Question 1. What is the full form of AI ?
Artificially Intelligent
Artificial Intelligence
Artificially Intelligence
Advanced Intelligence
Question 2. What is artificial intelligence
A field that aims to make humans more intelligent.
A field that aims to mine the data
A field that aims to make robots more intelligent.
A field that aims to develop intelligent machines.
Question 3.Who is the inventor of AI ?
Alan Turing
Geoffrey Hinton
John McCarthy
Marvin Minsky
Question 4. Which of the following is the branch of artificial intelligence ?
Machine learning
Network security
Cyber security
Full stack development
Question 5. ____ is the goal of AI.
To solve artificial problems
to solve real world problems
to extract scientific knowledge from the data
to explain various sort of intelligence
Question 6. Which of the following is an application of AI ?
It helps to deploy application of cloud
Easy to create a website
Language understanding and problem solving (Text analytics and NLP)
All of the above
Question 7.Which of the following is a components of AI ?
Question 8.What is the function of an artificial intelligence "Agent" ?
Mapping of goal sequences to actions
Mapping of environment states to actions
Mapping of precept sequences to actions
Work without the direct interference of the people
Question 9. Which of the following is not commonly used programming language of AI ?
Question 10. Which of the following is not an application of artificial intelligence ?
Speech recognition
Face recognition
ChatGPT Model